Wednesday, June 29, 2005

PBS Station Has Sellers Remorse

The seemingly last bastion of liberal elitist is the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the USA's PBS affiliates all over the country. There they take millions of dollars of tax money and promote their secular world view.

When KOCE-TV was put up for auction by the Coast Community College District, it came as a giant shock to find that the highest bidder was Daystar Television Network based out of Dallas, TX.

I can almost hear the cacophonous screams of liberal terror to see that their station had been bought by Christians. They can't stand the idea that Pat Robertson may appear on the station that they had in their grubby control. Now, fighting to keep the Word of a Christian God out of the public discourse, Coast Community College District rescinded their sale.
The college district apparently wasn't watching the [case law]. It now has gotten itself into a real bind, because the sale is off the table. Unless, that is, Daystar, whose corporate name is Word of God Fellowship, Inc., succeeds in convincing a court that the district make good on the sale to its organization.

It's a whole other discussion as to whether it would be better if KOCE remains in the Public Broadcasting System fold. I wish it would, but as the appellate court unflinchingly noted, you can't be so obvious in trying to thwart televangelists from buying your station in a fair auction.
I can only laugh my ass off at this news. Score another one for the good guys.

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